
February yoga asana of the month;

Spring time; longer days, leaves budding and blooming daffodils…. Trees rebirthing.. During a live Yoga class we are challenged to stay balanced as we focus on our breath.

Tree Pose; Vrikshasana; This yoga pose will strengthen your legs, spine, ankles and opens your hips. It helps to build your pelvic stability and may help ease pain of sciatica. It will also improve your balance, focus and concentration.

HOW TO Practice this Yoga pose:

  • Stand with your feet hips distance apart and bring your hands to your hips. Keeping your hips in this position shift your weight onto your right leg.
  • Bring the left foot to rest on your right calf or inner thigh. Above or below the knee not on the knee. The left knee moves to the left without hiking up your left hip.
  • Bring your hands onto prayer pose in front of the heart and from here raise them above your head.
  • Bring your diristi (gaze) to one point on the floor. If you feel comfortable and balanced, try close your eyes! Stay for at least 6 breathes and then repeat on the left side.


This tree Yoga pose represents the stability we can cultivate to weather life’s storms; Just as the branches bend with the gale and storms, we calibrate to meet life’s challenges. As the trunk remains steady and stable, we build that inner strength to support us through all life has to offer. Yoga sessions build physical strength and flexibility and focus.
