02 Nov Yoga for immune system
With Covid cases on the rise again, I wanted to offer you a few Asana’s (yoga postures) that are particularly beneficial to boost the immune system. When we strengthen the muscles around the lungs and when we work on postures to increase the health of the spleen we improve our body’s immune system.
The immune system creates antibodies to fight off disease and remove pathogens from attacking our body. The cells for the immune system are made in various organs of the body. One of those is the spleen which is positioned in the left upper abdomen, under the rib cage and is considered the largest organ of the lymphatic system. It is responsible for both the storage and purification of red blood cells and plays a key role in the immune function by attacking foreign pathogens and allergens.
Here are a few poses that both constrict and flush out the spleen, adrenals, liver, kidneys and more, optimising its efficiency and health
UTTANASANA; Standing forward fold
Stand with feet touching or just slightly apart. Inhale extend the arms up palms facing forward and then exhale, bend the trunk and allow the arms to extend forward and down. Hands can rest on the shins, or the floor. Exhale and allow the body to move closer to the legs, moving the head closer to the legs. Relax the neck and breathe deeply maintaining the pose for 5-10 breaths
Benefits; Stretches the spine, improves blood flow to the head and neck. Improves blood flow to the thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands and the thyroid. It massages the organs of the abdomen and pelvis. It compresses and cleanses the spleen.
Parsvottanasana; Side stretching pose
Stand in Mountain pose. Take a large step forward about 4 feet part, ensuring the hips are facing forward. Have both feet facing forward bringing the hand to the hips. Exhale and fold forward over the front leg. Hands can rest on the legs or on the floor. Relax the head and neck and breath. Stay here for 5 – 10 breathes.
Benefits; Tones the spine, Improves blood flow to the brain, head and endocrine glands. Great to increase the function of the pancreas and adrenal glands. Tones and improves the function of the spleen
Salabhasana; Locust pose
Lie on the belly with the forehead on the floor. Bring your feet together and point your toes while bringing the arms by your side palms faced upwards. Inhale and life the head and chest off the ground, reaching the arms back. Without bending the knees life the legs as high as possible without bending the knees. Body should be just resting on the abdominal. Maintain and take 5-10 breaths.
Benefits; Tones the spine, heart and all abdominal muscles. Expands the chest and lungs. Tones the thyroid, adrenals and spleen. Great for gastro-intestinal disorders.
Matsyendrasana; Half lord of the fish pose
Start sitting with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your right leg and step your foot to the otter side of the left thigh with shin perpendicular to the floor. You can keep the left leg straight or bring it to the outside of the right hip. Only come into this version if you can keep the right sits bone on the ground. Inhale and bring your right arm behind you, then exhale and start to twist. Inhale and lengthen the left arm, exhale wrap your arm around your right knee or place it outside your right knee. Inhale lengthen and exhale to twist. Bring your gaze over your right shoulder. Hold for 5-10 breaths and repeat other side
Benefits; Tones the spine, massages the organs of the abdominal, especially the kidneys. Loosens the joints, tones the adrenal glands and spleen. Great to aid Genito-urinary disorders and gastro-intestinal disorders.
Remember eat lots of green vegetables and drink lots of water to keep your organs in tip top shape.
Take care now!