
The Vagus nerve, Prana and mental health

Prana and how to increase it

In wellness we often discuss the term Prana, life force or Chi. For many we understand this as moving through the breath, but prana is more. It is the food we eat, the drink we take, the smells we experience and all that we see. The more I venture along this path of life, the more I believe we are more than this physical experience. When we pause to notice the sunrise, the full moon, the clouds that paint our sky and the gentle or force play of waves on the ocean the more we enhance our life force, our prana. I feel like I’ve done something right as a Mum, when my 16 or 19 year old points out a beautiful sky or hillside landscapes… even if it just means they off the phone for 5!

So most of us walk around with our heads in our phones, isn’t it crazy that we’re missing out on this simple fuel of energy and wellbeing.

Living with purpose

Speaking of wellness have you heard about the Vagus Nerve?

It is the longest nerve in your body, connecting your brain to various organs in the gut (stomach & Intestines) heart and lungs. It plays a key part in your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), influencing your breathing, digestion and heart rate. It’s how we counteract the flight or fight response. So basically has a huge impact on your mental health. It’s how we develop resilience and a healthy response to stress. It also helps the immune system and the inflammation response to the bodies disease.

According to clinical psychologist Dr Glenn Doyle “The vagus nerve is deeply plugged into our heart, our guts, and our voice. Whenever we turn inward to check in with our true feelings; to check in with our intuitive wisdom; or to find our true expressiveness, we’re lighting up the vagus nerve. Whenever our face reflects what we’re really feeling or experiencing, the vagus nerve is at work. Whenever we plug into the rhythms of ourselves or the world around us, we’re lighting up the vagus nerve.

So how do we nurture this inherent body and mind balancing tool?

It’s called Vagus tone stimulation. Here are a few simple but highly beneficial practices that work!

1) Cold exposure

This stimulates the diving reflex. It slows your heart rate, increases blood flow to your brain, reduces anger and relaxes your body. Sea swimming (you know I’m an advocate) is excellent however you can just splash cold water on your face

2) Exercise; This is so beneficial for optimum brain function through stimulating the brain function.

3) Breathwork- diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing. Breath in deep into your belly and exhale deeply allowing your belly to contract. This immediately lovers heartrate and blood pressure

4) Humming, Singing or Gargling

Yes there’s reason you should sing in the shower, don’t you always feel better when you hum or sing? This also is activating your vagus nerve! Simply sing, hum or just gargle if you prefer. This is another great reason to chant “OM”. Whether you perceive it as a spiritual practice or just a meditation practice, it helps to calm you create greater relaxation.

5) Probiotics and Omega 3 Fatty acids

There is much research to prove that gut bacteria improve brain function and this is done by activating the vagus nerve.” From over the counter probiotics to chia seeds and walnuts gut health affects your state of calm!

6) Mindfulness and Meditation

All meditation help but research has shown that Loving-Kindness-Meditation in particular creates a healthy vagal tone in participants. Being present in this moment always centres you.

7) Yoga

Yoga not only strengthens and makes flexibly your body but it helps with digestion, blood flow and is an excellent parasympathetic activation exercise.

8) ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)

This is that tingling sensation you get from your head down your spine when you hear certain sounds or come in contact with certain people. It helps to calm your nervous system. It can be trigger by whispering, scratching, close personal attention, tapping and certain crips noises

9) Positive Self-Talk

This is one of the easiest ways to hack your nervous system. If you can talk to yourself in the third person increases self-distancing and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. So now a good excuse to talk yourself up!!!

10) Connection, socializing and laughter

Community and a sense of belonging help you to feel safe, secure, calm and more positive. It reduce the main stress hormone and stimulates the vagus nerve!! So  make those plans and meet those friends… your body needs it!