24 Aug Travel, yoga and meditation
Travel expands our mind; new cultures show us that there are many different ways to live and that we can adapt and change. It allows us to recognise a different aspect of ourselves. When we travel our senses can be blown away with new smells, sights, tastes, body temperature and sounds. Yoga and meditation are some of the best ways to keep ourselves centred as we experience these sensory overloads.
I have found that when women travel & practice yoga together, regardless of age, beliefs and background, a bond is formed that lifts and supports each person’s journey. For some there profound shifts and enlightened moments, for others it’s the realisation of gratitude for the life they live.
When we sit in the silence of meditation or yoga flow we draw ourselves inward. Yoga and meditation is like a deep soaking in of the actual travel experience and the discovery of a wisdom we’ve develop from that encounter.
The practices of yoga, meditation allow our senses and minds to accept and to truly be present in each moment as we experience it. A valuable lesson of ease and flow that we return home with.