06 Jun Breathe to calm your nevous system
Have you ever been in a state of chaos, with your mind so frazzled you just could not think of a way out? What if I was to tell you that all you had to do was breathe deeply? ……. so irritating however there’s a reason and it works!
Controlled breathing techniques, such as deep belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing, activate the parasympathetic nervous system (the body’s relaxation state).
The “fight-or-flight” response is triggered by chaotic or stressful situations. By consciously slowing down and regulating our breath, we can shift our body’s physiological state from heightened, to a more relaxed and calm state.
Why you ask?
Well when we breath deep and breathing we help activate the body’s relaxation response and decreases the production of stress hormones like cortisol.
Also during chaotic times, we often experience shallow and rapid breathing or even breath-holding without realizing it. This can lead to decreased oxygen intake and tension in the body.
By focusing on deep, intentional breaths, we increase oxygenation and improve blood flow, providing nourishment to our organs and muscles. This promotes relaxation, releases tension, and supports overall well-being.
In chaotic times, we may feel a lack of control over external circumstances. When we focus on our breath it gives us an immediate sense of control over our internal state. It empowers us to regulate our physiological and emotional responses, enabling us to navigate chaos with greater resilience and stability.
Present moment and the breath
Finally breathing exercises serve as an anchor to the present moment. By directing our attention to our breath, we shift our focus away from chaotic thoughts and external distractions. This allows us to respond to chaotic situations with clarity and composure.
But to maximise the benefit from breathing exercises, you really need to bring a practice into your daily life to be able to access it when you’re in the chaotic situation.
You can practice deep belly breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or box breathing ( 4-4-4-4-) These practices allow you to respond to challenges with greater clarity, equanimity, and overall well-being.